Six King Georges have worn the crown throughout history since the German-born George I, the first Hanoverian king of Great Britain, acceded to the throne in 1714. 自从出生在德国的乔治一世、第一位大不列颠汉诺威国王在1714年加冕称王开始,历史上共有六位名为乔治的英国国王。
King of Great Britain and Ireland ( 1901-1910) who traveled much of Europe to improve Britain's international relations and was known for his elegant, sporting style. 大不列颠及爱尔兰国王(1901-1910年),他游遍欧洲大部分地区并增进了英国与他国的国际关系。他以其优雅的风度和磊落的风格而著称。